GIFT explains why it is proud to support The Lotus Flower
What the Lotus Flower’s key supporters say about the organisation.
Gift at minute 4’40
What the Lotus Flower’s key supporters say about the organisation.
Gift at minute 4’40
Summary of my trip to volunteer for Surfers Not Street Children
My trip to Surfers Not Street Children took place this summer between July 5th and July 23rd 2022. I had the chance to visit the program and meet the people that make this association an amazing one. Tom Hewitt is a much-respected person in Durban and in the world of surfing. He manages the organisation in a very good and healthy way. He has a good relationship with the whole crew and every single child that takes part in the project. The surf house is in a very good state and the children can access internet with the computers. They receive meals daily.
I also had the opportunity to go on a sponsored trip by Dry Robe to Jeffreys-bay with 12 children of the program. The logistic and organisation was very good and thank to Tom the kids had the opportunity to meet famous surfers and spend time with them. The kids were able to surf one of the best waves in the world and this experience gave them even more motivation to stay on the right track.
One of the two social worker Eugene gave me the opportunity to see the backgrounds of the organisation by taking me to different townships and schools. I was able to see what was really going on and how Surfers Not Street Children is changing young people’s life.
Mini the Mozambique director was also in Durban and explained me how the program in Mozambique works. I have not yet had the chance to go there but it looks like the staff and the whole association is on point there too.
Something that surprised me is that many children had the opportunity to travel to many countries and continents thanks to SNSC. It is an amazing chance for them to see new things and enlarge their horizon.
When arriving in Durban I did not really know what to expect but from what I can tell and after speaking with different children I can say for sure that Surfers Not Street Children is a life changing organisation. If I had to summarize this association with a few words, I would say that the association is under good hands, that it uses its money wisely, that it continues to help children and people that are not in the program anymore and lastly that it is a much-respected association worldwide.
Max Pelka
August 2022
GIFT endorses the GLIS for its efforts in channeling for women and girls and for promoting the agenda of SDG5.
Please find the link to the full report: please access this LinkedIn post or
A great evening with the Lotus Flower where GIFT thanked the founder, Taban Soresh, for being such an incredibly impactful organisation. A privilege to have the Lotus Flower in our portfolio of organisations.
Read the Blog from the Lotus Flower
In this panel on ‘smart philanthropy’, the Lotus Flower will be joined by two inspiring guests from the world of charitable giving: Atalanti Moquette, the founder of Giving Women, and Sophie Pelka, co-creator of the Give It Forward Trust (GIFT).
As part of the Skoll World Forum’s Ecosystem Events, the panel will see Atalanti discussing the growing need to help charities with capacity-building, learning, mentoring and community-building ideas. Meanwhile, Sophie will explore the difference between “heart” and “impact” philanthropy, and present a case for unrestricted and multi-year funding.
The panel chair is Taban Shoresh, CEO of the Lotus Flower, which has to date impacted on 40,000 women and girls through three project pillars aligned to the 2030 SDGs. Representing the on-the-ground community, the Lotus Flower’s Regional Director Vian Ahmed will also discuss the benefits of flexible giving for maximum impacts.
The 60-minute panel will also welcome comments and questions on the topic of smart philanthropy.
GIFT is very proud to be a donor to CAMFED Tanzania.
CAMFED was awarded the 2021 Hilton Humanitarian Prize showing once more its durable social impact on the lives of girls and young women in rural Africa. CAMFED has revolutionized how girls’ education is delivered, tapping into local expertise in a way that is sustainable and scalable.
The Pelka and de Lint families are proud to announce the launch of GIVE IT FORWARD TRUST – GIFT.
After many years of committing to good causes on an individual basis, many discovered during our travels, we want to be more systematic, to scale up to commit more meaningfully and to launch a proper fund to do good, better.
We feel we were born “winning the lottery”, born in countries with high standards of living and peace, having choices early on in life, being able to influence our lifestyle, choose our education, choose where we live and even travel for fun.
We believe in giving back some of this “good luck” to less fortunate children and teenagers. We aim to sustainably transform their lives and empower them to lead a self-directed, meaningful existence.
We have partnered with Swiss Philanthropy Foundation (SPF) as our umbrella foundation. This will allow us to focus on the giving side while having an institutional setup and adhering to best practice on the governance side.
We are very excited to be able to Give It Today and hopefully one day Forward. As for us, we receive today, through the joy of sharing. Come and join us. Help others and discover the benefit of giving and why it makes you happier.
Sophie & Roman, Christel & Christiaan